Kim and corey

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I believe that every love story is authentic and deserves to be preserved in a way that is beautiful and timeless.


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February Goals 2019


February 1, 2019

Phew! We’ve made it through the first month of the year! January was such a refreshing month for me, full of much needed rest and a time to just stop, assess everything with my life and business, and create small steps to help me accomplish my long-term goals. I hit the ground running the first of the month and have actually stuck to my goals (okay, maybe not every single one, but I’ve certainly made progress)! I’ve been taking my Big Picture goals and splitting them up into smaller, more manageable goals each month, and that has really helped me stick to my plan and not feel immediately burnt out or like I have to get everything I want done all at once. In January, I got completely caught up with all of my editing, booked Jeremy’s and my anniversary trip, and spent a lot of time getting organized as well as spending time with family and friends. It was great month and I’m looking forward to February!

We can do this, friends! Keep up the great work.

February Goals 2019:

  • Revamp my wedding day styling kit
  • Finish taxes!
  • Organize closet and donate unwanted clothes
  • Start researching things to do in Savannah, Georgia (where we chose to take our anniversary trip in June!)
  • Publish my Paris travel blog post (finally!)
  • Finish my Bridal Guide for new ATP brides
  • Participate in and photograph Revolution Mills’ Open House
  • Continue practicing guitar
  • Start training for 5K in April (some of you are probably laughing, but I suck at running)
  • Get connected with a small group at church

You can read my January goals here.


Joyful. authentic. timeless.
